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同根词:benefit (n. 自制)

2024-07-03 17:39    点击次数:122


同根词:benefit (n. 自制)


Once upon a time, there was a beneficent king who ruled his kingdom with probity. Everyone in the kingdom believed in the king’s credence and respected him deeply. However, when the king’s son became the heir to the throne, the people of the kingdom were ambivalent about his capability to rule. Although the young prince showed promise, his lack of experience made the people unsure of his ability to carry on his father’s legacy. Nevertheless, the king trusted his son and believed in his ability to rule with the same beneficence and probity as himself. Over time, the prince proved himself to be a just and wise ruler, and the people’s ambivalence finally turned into admiration and respect for their new king.

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很久很久畴昔,有一个仁慈的国王,他用耿介管辖着他的王国。王国里的每个东说念主皆坚信国王是信得过的,并深深地尊敬他。然而,当国王的男儿成为王位选择东说念主时,王国的东说念主民对他的管辖才智感到拖泥带水。天然这位年青的王子作出了容或, 首页-达名奋染料有限公司但他穷乏申饬, 湛江市洁洲催化剂有限公司东说念主们对他选择父业的才智莫得主理。然而,浙江富春公司国王信任他的男儿,坚信他有才智像我方通常仁慈和耿介地惩处国度。跟着本领的推移,王子证明了我方是一个平正而理智的管辖者,东说念主民拖泥带水的激情终于转动为对新国王的钦佩和尊重。

beneficent [bəˈnɛfəsənt] adj. 慈善的,行善的,毛皮服装故意的


同根词:benefit (n. 自制), beneficiary (n. 受益东说念主), beneficial (adj. 故意的)

近义词:charitable (慈善的)

probity [ˈprɑːbəti] n. 耿介,阐明

词根词源:源自prove证明,“proving oneself”证明我方的(耿介)。probation行为缓刑和试用时其实亦然要证明这个东说念主的品行。probe研究则是指证明的进程。

同根词:probation (n. 缓刑、试用), probe (v. 研究), probate (n. 遗嘱认证)

近义词:honesty (n. 阐明)

credence [ˈkridəns] n. 信任,相信


同根词:credit (n. 信用), credibility (n. 信得过度), credulous (adj. 轻信的)

近义词:trust (n. 信任)

ambivalence [æmˈbɪvələns] n. 矛盾激情

词根词源:ambi-指两个、双方,而-val跟evaluation中的val-同源,示意价值、称量。ambivalence 指的是一个东说念主有两种或以上的矛盾情谊。

同根词:equivalent (adj. 等价的), valence (n. 价, 价值)

近义词:indecision (n. 轻柔寡断)

反义词:certainty (n. 笃定)毛皮服装



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